Abrégés de conférences
Sauvé W, Moore R, Ellemberg D. (2018). Mood alterations in concussed university athletes who made a complete return to play. Neurology, 91(S1):S26
Bilodeau K. (2022). Return to work and breast cancer: Perspectives from Canadian employers. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 4(S19:307):23
Arbour C, Bilodeau K, Hjeij D, Ogez D, Oberoi S. (2022). Toward a new service delivery model to tackle sleep disruptions after cancer: Investing in patient partner training. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 4(S1:559): 53
Bilodeau K, Vinette B, Rousseau P, Pelletier J, Fernandez N, Dorta T. (2022). Developing online educational activities for young adults diagnosed with hematological cancer: An experience in co-design. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 4(S1:150):39
Bilodeau K, Arbour C, Mayo S, Ogez D, Savard J. (2022). Predict and act on sleep after blood cancer: the PROSLEEP protocol. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 4(S1:563):53
Bourque, C.J., (2021). Pour une posture plus éthique sur la place de l’enfant fragile dans la cité : la porosité institutionnelle comme condition à la fluidité et à la cohérence du cheminement. Conférence plénière, actes de colloque international, Les journées de la Chaire HÉN, Handicap-Éducation-Numérique, INSHEA, France, p.30
Vinette, B.*, Bilodeau, K. et Côté, J. (2021). Educational intervention to support the safe use of cannabis with young adults with cancer: a mixed method pilot protocol. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(Suppl. 1), S261.
Bilodeau, K., Lee, V., Folch, N., Vinette, B., Hartono, B. (2021). Dialogue with millennials diagnosed with cancer, community representatives and researchers: New avenues to rally everyone. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 3(S1), p e054
Bourque, C.J., Moussa, A., Payot, A. (2021). L’intégration des méthodes mixtes dans la recherche en éthique et en pédagogie des sciences de la santé : réflexion critique sur deux modèles de projets. In Chicoine, G. et Pluye, P. Théories et pratiques en méthodes mixtes, Recherche en médecine familiale à McGill, numéro spécial.
Hjeij, D.*, Bilodeau, K. et Arbour, C. (Mai, 2021). Integration of an innovative complementary approach inspired by clinical hypnosis into oncology care: preliminary results of nurses' perception of comfort talk intervention. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 3(S1), p e054, doi: 10.1097/OR9.000000000000005
Bilodeau, K., Lee, V., Pepin, J., Pomey, MP, Sultan, S., Folch, N., Vachon, MF, Charpentier, D. (2021). The Hidden Experience of Self-management After Cancer Treatments Throughout the Life Course: Bringing to Light the Experiential Learning. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 3(S1), p e054
Mrad, H.*, Vinette, B.*, Chouinard, A. et Bilodeau, K. (2021). Description of educational interventions to improve nursing communication about sexual health for women living with a gynecological cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(Suppl. 1), S239.
Vinette B.¸*, El-Akhras A.*, Mrad H.*, Chicoine G., Bilodeau K. et Côté J. (2021). Reasons for cannabis use, routes of administration and context of use in oncology: a scoping review. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(Suppl. 1), S239
Thibault LP, Luu TM, Huot C, Cardinal G, Carrière B, Du Pont A, Moussa A. (2020). Residents as research subjects: balancing resident education and contribution to advancing educational innovations. Canadian Medical Education Journal 11(2):e-59
Thivierge, E., Duquette, L.-A., Mai-Vo, T.-A., Fortin, A., Jaworski, M., Bourque, C.J., Pearce, R., Luu, T.M., Janvier, A. (2020). Not what clinicians thought: Decisional regret in parents of extremely preterm children. Paediatrics & Child Health, 25, supp.2 .e9-e10
Moussa A, Wassef E, Loye N, Dumont E, Larone Juneau A, Assaad M, Bourque CJ. (2020). Needs assessment study to build interprofessional in situ simulation training in non-technical skills: improving quality of care and patient safety during acute clinical adverse events. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 11(2): e-45
Sauvé W, Davis Moore R, Ellemberg D. (2016). Gender Differences in Psycho-affective Outcomes of Concussion in University Athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercice, 48(5S Suppl 1): 843