Publications 2024
Abrégés de conférences
Bourque CJ, Martisella M, Marquis M-A. (2024). Apprendre de l'expérience du deuil à long terme: le point de vue des parents après le décès de leur enfant. Bulletin de l'Association québécoise de soins palliatifs, 32(1):14-18
Hudon A, Phraxayavong K, Potvin S, Dumais, A. (2024). Ensemble methods to optimize automated text classification in Avatar therapy. BioMedInformatics, 4, 1: 423–436
Hudon A, Kiepura B, Pelletier M, Phan, V. (2024). Using ChatGPT in psychiatry to design script concordance tests in undergraduate medical education: Mixed methods study. JMIR medical education, 10, e54067
Deschênes M-F, Charlin B, Akremi H, Lecours L, Moussa A, Jobin V, Fernandez N. (2024). Beliefs and experiences of educators when involved in the design of a Learning-by-concordance tool: A qualitative interpretative study. Journal of Professional Nursing, 54:180-188.
Tachejian S, Moussa A. 360-degree virtual reality video to teach neonatal resuscitation: an exploratory development study. Sci Rep 14, 14383 (2024).
Martin GC, Tanoubi I, Barjol A, Cruz Panesso I, Jannin P, Hardy I, Mouriaux, F. (2024). Beyond the microscope: embracing soft skills in ophthalmology for enhanced patient care and clinician well-being. Eye. 1-3.
Panchout E, Dyer J-O. (2024). Didactique professionnelle, analyse du travail, analyse de l’activité des étudiants et des professionnels de santé : un large champ. Pédagogie Médicale 25(1): 1-4.
Pietrement C, Morin M-P, Lefèvre-Utile A, Thibault L-P, Jobin V, Charlin B. (2024). Formation par concordance: la théorie des scripts et son application en enseignement revisitées. Pédagogie Médicale 25(1):51-57.
Evain J-N, Do T, Harkouk H, Drolet P, Perron R, Georgescu M, Robitaille A, Tanoubi, I. (2024). Mastering sedation and associated respiratory events through simulation-based training: A randomised controlled trial involving non-anaesthesiology residents. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 14(3), 463-473.
Cruz-Panesso I, Tanoubi I, Drolet P. (2024). Telehealth competencies: Training physicians for a new reality? Healthcare, 12(1):93.
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