Publications 2023
Piché-Renaud PP, Thibault LP, Essouri S, Chainey A, Thériault C, Bernier G, Gaucher N. Response to a letter to the editor. Acta Paediatr. 2021,110(3):1072-1073
Thibault LP, Rousseau E. Dog bites. Canadian Medical Associatin Journal, 2018, 190(4):E113
Piché-Renaud PP, Thibault LP, Essouri S, Chainey A, Thériault C, Bernier G, Gaucher N. Parents' perspectives, information needs and healthcare preferences when consulting for their children with bronchiolitis: A qualitative study. Acta Paediatr, 2021, 110(3):944-951
Thibault LP, Mitchell GA, Parisien B, Hamel P, Blanchard AC. An infant with bilateral keratitis: From infectious to genetic diagnosis. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Nov 30;23:e937967.
Levy A, Donoghue A, Bailey B, Thompson N, Jamoulle O, Gagnon R, Gravel J. External validation of scoring instruments for evaluating pediatric resuscitation. Simul Healthc. 2014 Dec;9(6):360-9
Orban C, Goetti P, Leduc J-M, Sandman E, Balg F, Pele S, Rouleau DM. (2023). The POSI study: gender differences in 94 cases of postoperative shoulder surgery infection: results of a 7-year retrospective multicenter study. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 32(4), 813-819.
Milette AA, Richter LL, Bourque, CJ, Janvier A, Pierce R, Church PT, Synnes A, Janvier A. (2023), Parental perspectives of outcomes following very preterm birth: Seeing the good, not just the bad. Acta Paediatrica, 112(3):398-408
Thivierge E, Tuu TM, Bourque CJ, Barrington KJ, Pearce R, Jaworski M, Janvier A. (2023). Pulmonary important outcomes after extremely preterm birth: Parental perspectives. Acta Paediatrica. 112(5):970-976
Le Nguyen A, Bourque CJ, Piché N. (2023). Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Angiography in Pediatric Intestinal Resections: A first Prospective mixed methods clinical trial. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 58(1): 82-88
Pomey MP, Paquette J, Iliescu-Nelea M, Vialaron C, Mourad R, Bouchard K, Normandin L, Côté MA, Desforges M, Pomey-Carpentier P, Fortin I, Ganache I, Régis C, Rosberge Z, Charpentier D, Bélanger L, Dorval M, Ghadiri DJ, Lavoie-Tremblay M, Boivin A, Pelletier JF, Fernandez N, Danino AM, de Guise M. (2023) Accompanying patients in clinical oncology teams: Reported activities and perceived effects. Health Expectations, 6:847–857
Synnes A, Chera A, Richter LL, Bone JN, Bourque CJ, Zhang-Jiang S, Luu TM. (2023). Redefining Neurodevelopmental impairment: Perspectives of very preterm birth stakeholders. Children, 10(5), 880
Richard C, Lussier MT, Millette B, Tanoubi I. (2023). Healthcare providers and patients: an essay on the importance of professional assertiveness in healthcare today. Med Educ Online. Dec;28(1):2200586.
Thivierge É, Luu TM, Bourque CJ, Duquette LA, Pearce R, Jaworski M, Barrington KJ, Synnes A, Janvier A. (2023). Guilt and regret experienced by parents of children born extremely preterm. The Journal of Pediatrics. 257: 113268
Lafond C, Kazitani D, Gagnon R, Charlin B, Ferndandez N. (2023). Learning-by-concordance of perception: A novel way to learn to read thoracic images. Acad Radiol. 30(1):132-137.
Elliott MJ, McCarron TL, Schick-Makaroff K, Getchell L, Manns B, Fernandez N. (2023). The dynamic nature of patient engagement within a Canadian patient-oriented kidney health research network: perspectives of researchers and patient partners. Health Expectations, p.1-14
Girard‐Bock C, Luu TM, Bourque CJ, Nuyt AM, Barrington KJ, Janvier A. (2023). Gratitude, fragility and strength: Perspectives of adults born preterm about prematurity. Acta Paediatrica, 112(7): 1461-1470
Brosseau R, Marchand C, Monette M-P, Bernard-Blanchard E, Champagne-Paradis S, Dion S, Bergeron V, Denis-Brisson R, Guérard O, Bouffard M-A, Chamberland G, Tremblay L-P, Turgeon-Desroches J, Valiquette V, Denault AY, Dyer JO. (2023). Développement d’une formation en échographie pulmonaire en physiothérapie basée sur le modèle de conception de cours intégré de Fink. Kinésithérapie, La revue. 23(254) :33-43
Raynault A, Béland S, Durand F, Fernandez N. (2023). Évaluer la collaboration en ligne et en présentiel en contexte pédagogique universitaire en mode hybride : analyse de la pertinence d’un questionnaire. Revue Mesure et évaluation en éducation, 45(1) :37-65
Janvier A, Bourque CJ, Pearce R, Thivierge E, Duquette LA, Jaworski M, Luu TM. (2023) Fragility and resilience: parental and family perspectives on the impacts of extreme prematurity. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal.